If cats were human beings, they would fall within the category of introverts. Most of them lack social skills, unlike dogs, who would jump from excitement at the sight of almost anyone.
While dogs almost always need attention, cats prefer being attended to on their terms and do not prefer begging for attention.
However, as most pet owners have experienced, owners of such cats find it difficult to understand if their cat is grumpy, did not know they wanted attention or has been ignoring them.
In the present article, we will attempt to discuss these behavioral signs to determine what one’s cat might be feeling and why.
Discerning Why My Cat is Ignoring Me – A Quick Outlook
- If cats could speak, they would surely quote themselves as the most ‘independent species’ on the face of the Earth. Most of our feline friends do not have a lot of social needs and are naturally independent. This characteristic often leads us to think that our cats may be ignoring us, while that is not the case at all.
- There may be several reasons why our cats could be ignoring us, i.e., their caretakers. Some of these include stress, illness, fear, old age, or simply because of their natural personality.
- If you notice your cat starts to ignore you suddenly, and there is a shift in its behavior, do not be afraid to get your cat’s health checked up just to rule out any complicated health concerns.
Does My Cat Know That I am Calling its Name?
A study conducted by personnel belonging to the University of Tokyo said that it all made purr-fect sense when they realized that our feline friends, despite knowing that their owners are calling their names, often choose to ignore their human friends.
They made strangers call out their names to see how their cats would react and noticed that they were displaying signs of listening, such as by way of twitching ears, meowing, and head and tail movements.
However, despite this, they did not show much action towards the ‘strangers’ calling out their names. At the same time, they responded rather vividly when their owners called out their names, in comparison to when the strangers called out their names.
It is also pertinent to take note of the fact that their cats then quickly lost interest and returned to their usual daily routine of ignoring even their owners.
Cats vs. Dogs and ‘Domestication’
According to a study confirmed by Burgess Pet Care, it has been proven by researchers that when it comes to dogs have been trained to listen to human commands far longer than cats have been until they, too, were domesticated.
When it comes to house cats, it has been observed that cats themselves have initiated the cat-human interaction, unlike in the case of dogs. Felis silvestris was the first cat that came into human interaction almost about 9000 years ago, according to a study confirmed by Burgess Pet Care.
Since our feline friends claim so much independence, even when it comes to domesticating themselves and allowing their human caretakers to take care of them, they have never felt the need to obey orders or listen to their commands.
Why is My Cat Ignoring Me?
Your cat needs some alone time
Your cat is ignoring you because it needs its own space and perhaps some quality time with itself. As has been established before, it is supposed to be upon these feline creatures when they feel like interacting with their human friends and not the other way around. Most cats are considered to be highly independent and often do not feel the need to interact.
Your cat failed to realize you want its attention
Your cat is simply turning too old and probably failed to realize that you want its attention and ignored you accidentally. As our cats grow old with us, they are privy to developing ailments, just like human beings.
At this stage, they are likely to lose some of their senses, leading to confusion in recognizing if their owners are looking for them. As a worried pet owner, do not be afraid to get your cat’s health checked up just to rule out any complicated health concerns.
Your cat is scared and distressed
Not only cats but a lot of our furry friends get spooked when they unusually hear a loud noise and stare at you, and it may be trying to tell you to stay alert and steer clear of predators. As a result, your cat may be ignoring you because it is scared and distressed and simply trying to cope.
As a worried pet owner, you may attempt to distract your cat and help defuse its tension by playing games with it, such as tossing a toy or small object across the room and telling your cat to chase it.
Your cat is not feeling well
Your cat is ignoring you because it is probably not feeling too well and wants you to notice its discomfort. Lethargy, weakness, and discomfort are only some of the symptoms that many illnesses prone to our feline friends have the possibility of producing.
Oftentimes, as pet owners, we often mistake these ‘symptoms’ as ignorance, while they actually may be in pain or gravely ill. At this stage, do not be afraid to get your cat’s health checked up just to rule out any complicated health concerns.
Your cat is upset
Your cat is ignoring you because it is upset due to a complicated development. You must be mindful of the environment of your furry friends and make sure you provide them with a happy space to grow and learn along with you.
As a worried pet owner, you may attempt to distract your cat and help defuse its tension by playing games with it, such as tossing a toy or small object across the room and telling your cat to chase it.
Your cat is simply relaxing
Your cat is simply relaxing and does not mean to ignore you. When it comes to statistics related to our feline friends, it has been reported that they like to spend almost about 18 hours of a day relaxing in a comfy spot under the warm sun indoors and often do not feel the need to respond to their human friends, since they are supposed to be ‘too busy relaxing.’ Our feline friends probably do not respect their caretaker’s sleep schedule, but boy, do they take theirs seriously!
Your cat needs positive human contact
Your cat did not receive positive human contact while it was a child and needs reassurance from you before starting to give you attention.
As a kitten, it is considered to be extremely important for them to receive such positive human contact during their socialization period so that they can familiarize themselves with such species. If not, such cats may avoid and ignore human beings in fear due to a lack of proper positive human contact.
It is natural for your cat
Like humans, even our feline friends are susceptible to having their unique kinds of personalities. While some are affectionate and in constant need of human contact and attention, others may be happy with minimal contact.
This, however, is often confused by their human friends as ‘ignorance.’ It is natural for your cat, and it might be your cat’s personality to stay calm rather than beg for and crave their human friend’s attention and contact.
Reasons Because of Which Your Cat May Be Ignoring You
- Your cat is ignoring you because it needs its own space and perhaps some quality time with own self
- Your cat is simply turning too old and probably failed to realize that you want its attention and ignored you accidentally.
- Your cat is ignoring you because it is scared and distressed and simply trying to cope.
- Your cat is ignoring you because it is probably not feeling too well and wants you to notice its discomfort.
- Your cat is ignoring you because it is upset due to a complicated development.
- Your cat is simply relaxing and does not mean to ignore you.
- Your cat did not receive positive human contact while it was a child and needs reassurance from you before starting to give you attention.
- It is natural for your cat, and it might be your cat’s personality to stay calm rather than beg and crave attention
My Cat Suddenly Started To Ignore Me! Should I Be Concerned?
Cats are allowed to feel moody! But when should we, as concerned pet owners, be worried when our cats are too moody and display blatant signs of ignorance?
In case there is a sudden change in your feline creature’s behavior, take notice of any changes that may have triggered this cause. Make sure to interpret all the signs that have been mentioned above and attempt to discern if there is anything wrong.
However, despite reinforcing actions that should be positive for your moody cat, if it still does not respond to its usual behavior, it may be a good enough reason to visit the veterinarian, just in case to rule out any kind of concerning health issues.
How Shall I Bond With My Cat?
As has been established previously, since cats are considered to be independent creatures, it is common for them to be the first ones to initiate contact, rather than their human friends initiating contact with them, in which case, they might get the cold cat shoulder.
To bond with your feline friends, you should be open to surprise encounters, like your car ‘accidentally’ knocking over a cup off the kitchen table to get your attention. At this stage, do not be mad and attempt to train your cat in what is good and what is bad.
Always try to approach your feline friends gently and positively to avoid scaring them off. Do not have prolonged eye contact, i.e., without blinking with your cat and avoiding any kind of sudden movements or loud noises.
If you follow these steps, your cat will soon find comfort in your presence but will most probably still ignore you.
When Should I Consult the Veterinarian?
As a worried pet owner, you should not feel afraid to make an appointment with your cat’s veterinarian in case your cat is displaying unusual behavior. It is quite possible that although it seems like your feline friend is ignoring you, it may be suffering from ailments and possible medical difficulties.
Thus, when your cat does not respond to positive human contact, it may be a good enough reason to visit the veterinarian, just in case, to rule out any kind of health issues.
As pet owners who have tremendous love for our feline friends, it is valid of us to often feel baffled in case we receive a cold shoulder from our cats. However, everything happens for a reason.
While for some cats, it may just be their personality, whereas, for others, it may be because they are affected by their environment and may be looking for comfort. As a pet owner, we should be adept in identifying signs of discomfort amongst our cats and attempt to provide them with a healthy lifestyle.
Does my cat ignore me purposefully?
No, your lovely feline friends are happy to have you in their lives, but it is simply how they are! Your cats ignoring you may not be on purpose, but maybe because of a range of reasons, such as stress, illness, fear, old age, or simply their natural personality.
My cat always ignores me during the day. Should I be worried?
Not at all. Most of our feline friends have a habit of sleeping during the day and tend to become more active towards dawn and dusk. If you have had your cat for a while, this may be a recurring behavior, but if not, it never hurts to get your cat’s health checked up just to rule out any complicated health concerns.
Why is my cat avoiding me?
As the smartest species on Planet Earth, we can converse, but our feline friends do not. Oftentimes, we misinterpret our cats’ behavior and think that it may be avoiding us, while in actuality, it may be trying to communicate a grave issue to us that causes them discomfort.
I am a passionate animal lover with a lifelong commitment to pet care. With over a decade of experience as a pet owner, I’ve nurtured a variety of furry and feathered friends, from cats and dogs to birds and reptiles. I possess a deep understanding of their unique needs, behavior, and health. My mission is to share my knowledge and insights to help fellow pet enthusiasts provide the best possible care for their beloved companions.