Why Do Cats Rub Against You? The Real Reasons

The body language of cats is very hard to understand and decipher. Sometimes they might start headbutting you to show you that they love you, and on the other hand, after a while, they will start moving between your legs and try to trip you.

When a cat rubs against your face or legs, it could mean a lot of things. But, eventually, it all comes down to the secretion of pheromones.

A cat wouldn’t constantly rub against you, but if they do, it is high time you notice what’s wrong with your cat. If you adopt a cat, you should know the specific details to make sure that they are taken care of properly. 

Your Cat Rubbing Against You- The Real Reasons

Why Do Cats Rub Against You?

Why Do Cats Rub Against You Often

Cats will start rubbing against you for multiple reasons. Cats secrete pheromones that act as chemical messages among other cats, but humans cannot smell pheromones, and dogs cannot, either.

Whenever your cat starts rubbing against something, it transfers those pheromones and also starts giving out messages to other cats.

There are reasons why cats start rubbing against you. Once you start exploring the factors why your cat is rubbing against you, you will know how to handle them easily. 

How Many Pheromones Do Cats Secrete?

According to studies, cats have five different hormones, but scientists haven’t yet concluded the purpose of those five hormones.

Only the functions of the main three hormones have been diagnosed, and the pheromones include F2, F3, and F4.

F2 is the pheromone that unneutered males emit when they are ready to mate, and F3 pheromones come from the cat’s chin glands and cheeks. When they start rubbing their cheeks against objects, they mark and claim their territory. 

Reasons Why Cats Rub Against You:

  • There is a multitude of reasons why cats rub against you. Some reasons include
  • They start considering you a part of their group
  • They are trying to say hello
  • They want something from you
  • They are in heat, and hence they start acting more frisky
  • They are trying to claim you through your scent
  • They are trying to gather information from you or their surroundings
  • They are creating a group scent and much more. 

Greeting Others

Every time your cat rubs against you, it is a good sign. Cats rubbing against you is a sign of them greeting you, and it means that they are happy to see you.

If you notice carefully, you will know that your cat will rub against you more often after you have been away for a very long time.

When your cat is trying to greet you, it will come up to you and start rubbing against you and start purring. This is their way of greeting you and letting you know that they miss your presence. 

Claiming Their Owners Through Scent

Not only do cats use their pheromones to welcome you home and let you know that they love you, but they also use their pheromones to mark you with their scent, and this is known as marking their territory.

Cats are very territorial animals, and they start claiming their pet parents as their territory; whenever a cat rubs against someone, they form an affiliation with the said object, person, or animal, which means they are accepting them into their environment and claiming them as their own. 

Creating A Colony Scent Among Cats

Cats not only rub against their owners, but they also rub against other cats. When cats rub against other cats, they start secreting pheromones from their scent glands, which are located in certain parts of their body.

While cats rub against each other, their scents mix and create a colonial scent, which spreads through their environment and helps the cats to bond easily. The scents invoke trust and familiarity within the cat community. 

Aggressive Rubbing

Aggressive rubbing can be considered as your cat exhibiting a strong sense of affection, but when your cat is excessively rubbing against you, it is time you look into it and start noticing signs.

Sometimes, your cat might be rubbing against you because it is affected by medical issues. But, no need to worry, as long as you don’t notice any symptoms affiliated with medical illness.

Signs of Illness To Look Out For If Your Cat Is Rubbing Against Something Constantly:

  • If your cat is aggressively rubbing against you all of a sudden, and its behavior is changing along with its attitude, it is better to talk to your vet about it. 
  • Cats normally rub against their owners, but that doesn’t mean they rub aggressively. If they start rubbing against you or anything else constantly, it is better to look for some signs. Some of those signs include 
  • They lose a lot of hair all of a sudden
  • Your cat starts tilting its head, 
  • It is constantly confused, and its eye keeps flicking, 
  • It has suddenly lost a lot of weight
  • It is under the constant agony of vomiting and diarrhea and goes through a lot of negatively aggravated symptoms. 
Why Do Cats Rub Against You?

Telling You That They Need Something

Cats also start rubbing against you when they need to tell you something or if they need something from you.

Cats start rubbing against your legs when they need your complete undivided attention, and it is their way of communication, along with other activities like rubbing, gentle biting, headbutting, and much more.

If your cat starts rubbing its head against the cabinet where food is kept, it means that they are hungry and trying to let you know that they want something. 

Should You Be Concerned If Your Cat Is Rubbing Against You Often?

You should certainly be concerned if your cat is constantly rubbing against you because while some cats might rub against you because they are affectionate, some might be rubbing against you. After all, they are inflicted with medical illnesses.

Certain medical illnesses can make your cat rub against something excessively, and there will be clinical signs to indicate this.

If you find out your cat is rubbing excessively against something and notice changes in its behavior, it is better to visit your veterinarian to get your cat tested and evaluated.  

Medical Issues That Cause Excessive Rubbing

Certain medical issues can cause excessive rubbing. Some of these medical issues include

  • They are affected by fleas
  • They have ear infections
  • They are affected with feline hypersensitivity disorder, 
  • They might have intracranial diseases like tumors, which can be either infectious or inflammatory,
  • If your cat is constantly rubbing against you, take them to the vet and get them consulted, and if the vet suggests it, try to get them medicated with the right medications. 


A cat’s main source of communication is through its pheromones; in the cat world, if they share its pheromones and scent with you, it is considered to be of the highest honor.

Typically, in cat language, rubbing against someone is a display of affection, and the most important thing is that they trust you and are trying to make sure that other kittens also know it. 


What does it mean if your cat is constantly rubbing against something?

There are many reasons why your cat would rub against you, but primary reasons include showing affection, marking their territory, wanting something, and greeting someone.

Sometimes, when they try to rub against you aggressively, it means they are medically afflicted with something serious.

If my cat is constantly rubbing against your leg, does it mean it likes me?

If your cat is rubbing against your leg constantly, it means they love you a lot and are trying to show affection, but if they are rubbing against you continuously, it might be medically ill.

So, prevention is better than cure, and so notice their behavior and attitude carefully before arriving at any conclusions. 

How do I get my cat to stop rubbing against my leg?

If your cat is rubbing against you or constantly rubbing against something, try to soak up all the love your kitten is showering you.

But if the rubbing and nagging are bothering you, veterinarians suggest that you redirect the behavior by offering them some toys and treats to distract them. 

Why do female cats rub against you when they are in heat?

Female cats start acting more frisky when they are going through heat, and since they become more affectionate and clingy during these days, they start becoming more vocal and rub against you more often. 

When do female cats start having their heat cycles?

Female cats start their heat cycles around four months, and after the first time, they normally experience heat between January to late October. 

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