Why Do Cats Purr? The Unknown Truths To Know

I think almost everybody on planet Earth knows what a cat’s purr means. It is probably the most well-recognizable sound that can come from a cat. It is a pleasurable rasp that comes from a cat whenever it is petted or tickled, but a cat can purr for several reasons.

It can also be considered to be the soundtrack of happiness from a cat. But, there can be a lot going behind a purr. 

Cats Purring- The Unknown Truths To Know

Why Do Cats Purr?

Why Do Cats Purr Around?

There has been no definitive response of what cats go through when they purr and why they purr. This article will help you understand why cats purr and what triggers them.

The subject of ‘how long’ hasn’t yet been decided, but scientists have almost configured where the sound comes from.

There could be multiple reasons why a cat purrs around. Cats can purr for both positive and negative reactions. 

Your Cat Is Happy

Your cat is happy and relaxed. You can notice that when your cat is happy, they are on its back, its eyes are half closed, and its tails are normally still.

Purring is a cat’s way of saying that they like being coddled, cuddled, and touched. They might also start purring when they are eating, and they are content with their food. 

Your Cat Is Hungry

Whenever your cat is hungry, it will start purring towards the cupboard, where the food is kept. It will help you know if you are hungry and if they want food.

Normally, when your cat is hungry, the purr will be more high-pitched, which will sound more urgent than the other purring types. And according to scientists, it is said that humans normally react more to the urgent purrs they make.

When cats purr for food, they combine their usual purr with an unpleasant mew or cry, which sounds almost like a newborn baby’s cry.

Why Do Cats Start Purring?

  • Cats start purring for a variety of reasons
  • Cats purr when you tickle and pet them
  • Cats purr when they are very content and happy
  • Cats purr when they want to draw you in
  • Cats start purring when they are blissful
  • Purring will tell you what your cat needs to know
  • Purring can also be a sign of distress
  • Purring can even promote healing and relief.
Why Do Cats Purr?

Your Cat Wants Something From You

Purring can be a way for your cat to express itself to its caregiver. When your cat wants something from you, it will start purring.

Normally, kittens only want food and your attention. Normally, your cat will start coming up against you and Cat rubbing its face toward you, asking for your attention.

The purr they make is more urgent and solicited. The purr is less pleasant, and when your cat doesn’t get your undivided attention, it will start creating noises. 

Communicating With Their Owners And Other Kittens

Cats start purring when they want to communicate with their owners and other cats. When cats purr and nudge against other cats, they try to communicate and bond with each other.

Communication within cats is a mystery because some kittens are born blind and deaf, but the vibration from their mother’s purr helps their kittens guide them toward them and helps them bond with their mothers. 

How Is Frequency Related To Cat’s Purring?

  • While your cat purring can lower your blood pressure and stress, it can also help them in the process of self-healing.
  • Cats normally purr at frequencies between 25 to 150 Hz. 
  • Although, cats exhibit strong purring at the frequency of 25 to 50 Hz. 
  • An interesting fact is that these frequencies correspond with the frequencies that are used while treating fractures and pain. 
  • These frequencies are also said to improve flexibility in the cat’s body, muscle growth, and wound healing.
  • All the various uses of a cat’s purr depend on these frequencies.
  • It has also been noted that cats purr to heal themselves, and veterinarians have found proof for this too. 

To Greet Other Cats

When your cat sees someone they are familiar with or a cat they know, they will start purring happily to greet them and let them know that they are excited to see you.

What exactly do they communicate within themselves, nobody has a clue, but it is a way to let the other cats know that they are friendly and trustworthy.

They start greeting other cats to tell them they are approachable and convey that they are not a threat. 

Kitten-Mother Bonding

Kittens start purring when they are just a few years old to let their mothers know that they are safe and sound and they are okay.

Purring helps a kitten and mother bond very much, and while kittens use their purring to let you know that they are okay, mother cats start purring to sing a lullaby to you. 

When Do Cats First Start Purring?

  • Cats normally start purring when they are about a few days old. 
  • A kitten’s purring helps its mother locate them to feed.
  • Some adult cats even purr when they feed. 
  • Cats start purring when they are just days old, which can continue until they are alive. 
  • Cats purr the loudest when they need something and purr the lowest when they have caught your attention.
  • Cats purr for various reasons, and while some are considered ordinary purrs, some are purrs of pain or contentment.
  • Even people who don’t own a cat can tell the difference between purrs. 

Your Cat Is Feeling Relief

It has been said that cats purr to promote self-healing, and it can lower their stress and anxiety levels.

Whenever your cat is purring, it takes energy out of its body, but that doesn’t mean it has any good properties.

It is your cat’s way of soothing itself; some people even think it can help them get relieved faster from any pain. So, it is scientifically proven that cats purr to heal and grow. 

Your Cat Is Healing:

The frequency at which cats normally purr, which is around 25 to 150 Hz, is said to help them treat fractures and pain, and scientists also believe that the purring helps in the healing of wounds and muscle growth.

The low frequency of purrs creates vibrations in the body that help the cat to repair tendons, lessen swelling and pain, and even help to ease breathing. This might be the reason why cats can survive falls from high places, but nobody can prove that. 


When your cat starts purring, you must pay attention to them and note their body language and context. Notice the tone of the purr, and when she starts purring, try different things, like trying to pet her or try to comfort her if you think she is in pain. 


What Do Cats Use To Purr?

Cats use their diaphragm and the larynx to purr, as they use both areas to exhale and inhale, but how a cat’s anatomy works and how the central nervous system works during these reactions is a complete mystery. 

Can Every Cat Purr?

While taxonomists believe that most cats can purr, there are some exceptions. Some pantherine species, like lions, jaguars, tigers, leopards, and snow leopards, don’t purr, but cheetahs and cougars do. 

Why Do Cats Keep Purring?

Cats purr when they are content, happy, and relieved. But, they can start purring when they are stressed, afraid, and even when they are in pain. You shouldn’t be concerned if your cat is constantly purring. 

At What Frequency Do Cats Purr?

Domestic cats normally purr at a frequency of about 25 to 150 Hz, but strong purring occurs between 25 to 50 Hz. 

Does Breed Play A Role In Your Cat’s Level Of Purring?

Breeds don’t normally play an important role, but according to some studies, some cats purr louder and more often than other breeds.

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