1140+ Space Names For Cats to Elevate Your Cat’s Cosmic Aura! (+Generator)

Unlock the creative possibilities that exist within the cosmos of Space Names for Cats. Allow your feline buddy to embody the magnificence of the universe by harnessing the power of cosmic beauty.

Our Cat Names Generator is a creative wellspring, providing names that spark the imagination.

From Galaxy to Stardust, Sirius to Luna, each name is inspirational and promises to brighten the spirits of those who come into contact with your wonderful cat.

Cool Space Names For Cats With Meanings

Space names can be utilized as, with this nature, you could create a great space name for your cats. If you are worried that you might not be acquainted with many universe or space-based names, then do not worry, as we have had our researchers do that job for you who have listed some of their ideas.

NovaRepresents a star that suddenly increases in brightness
LunaRefers to Earth’s moon
OrionNamed after a prominent constellation
CelesteMeaning “heavenly” or “divine”
NebulaInspired by interstellar clouds of gas and dust
StellaLatin for “star”
AuroraNamed after the beautiful natural light display
CosmoDerived from “cosmos,” meaning universe
LyraNamed after a constellation resembling a lyre
SiriusAfter the brightest star in the night sky
GalaxyReferring to a system of stars, gas, and dust
VegaA star in the constellation Lyra
AtlasInspired by the mythological titan who held up the sky
AstridDerived from the word “astronomy”
ZenithThe point in the sky directly above

? Haggid

? Barci

? Barco

? Durran

? Ymir

? Hydrus

? Cupid

? Corvus

? Nebula

? Styx

? Estrella

? Diana

? Medusa

? Pallas

? Apus

? Archer

? Seren

? Puppis

? Quoro

? Waily

? Ocur

? Ghenn

? Laggis

? Winona

? Cetrix

? Zenzo

? Bianco

? Verey

? Covo

? Pegasus

? Lupus

? Trojan

? Hera

? Cetus

? Dipper

? Prospero

? Vulpecula

? Vytis

? Carme

? Pyxis

? Rhea

? Neptune

? Orion

? SolSkylark

? Harlow

? Equinox

? Calypso

? Carina

? Ferdinand

? Phoenix

? Celeste

? Canis

? Elektra

? Athena

? Bebop

? Cosmo

? Mimas

? Monoceros

? Icarus

? Orbit

? Magellan

? Harlow 

? Callisto

? Dextre

? Asteroid 

? Oracle

? Auriga

? Gravity

? Delphini

? Cosmo

? Celeste 

? Arthur

? Cetus

? Pegasus

? Hubble

? Phase

? Solstice

? Haumea

? Francisco

? Galileo

? Diana

? Ophiuchus

? Sojourner

? Dorado

? Janssen

? Carme

? Lipperhey

? Alathfar

? Callisto

? Sinbad

? Umbriel

? Dimorphous

? Saturn

? Hyperion

? Cassiopeia

? Vesta

? Falcon

? Virgo

? Equinox

? Draco

? Thor

? Aphrodite

?  Prometheus

? Chort

? Puck

? Columba

? Venatici

Space Names For Female Cats

Catchy names form a more significant part of human attraction, and when you decide to come up with a catchy space name for your beloved cat, it is bound to get some attention when you walk it down the street. You have nothing to worry about as we have all got it by arranging a special list for you to choose from.

  • Luna
  • Galaxy
  • Orion
  • Nebula
  • Comet
  • Star
  • Nova
  • Aurora
  • Celeste
  • Cosmo
  • Sirius
  • Vega
  • Cassiopeia
  • Apollo
  • Gemini
  • Titan
  • Mars
  • Jupiter
  • Saturn
  • Pluto
  • Andromeda
  • Astro
  • Meteor
  • Lyra
  • Stella
  • Lunaire
  • Nebulae
  • Zenith
  • Pulsar
  • Sol

? Scuti

? Deimos

? Fornax

? Circinus

? Horus

? Canis Minor

? Boppy

? Tucana

? Marsha

? Halley

? Naiad

? Twilight

? Bran

? Chamaeleon

? Tryzub

? Andromeda

? Lynx

? Shuttle

? Draconis

? Microscopium

? Gamma

? Cassiopeia

? Boomer

? Axiom 

? Centaurus

? Zodiac

? Pegasus

? Atlas

? Volans

? Astro 

? Starbuck

? Lightspeed

? Corvus

? Dione

? Jupiter

? Han (Han Solo)

? Astro

? Morpheus

? Musca

? Dara

? Iapetus

? Wormhole

? Atlas

? Furud

? Prometheus

? Caliban

? Houston

? Raiden

? Betelgeuse

? Helene

? Pluto

? Kepler

? Hubble 

? Crux

? Rocket

? Erriapo

? Arion

? Canes 

? Mensa

? Sirius

? Terra

? Centaurus

? Triangulum

? Reticulum

? Ajax

? Lepus

? Pan

? Grote

? Meteor

? Osiris

? Cassiopeia

? Pegasi

? Zeus

? Centaurus

? Callisto

? Triton

? Ceres

? Corona Australis

? Horologium

? Icarus

? Celum

? Fermi

? Hubble

? Sextans

? Arche

? Pulsar

? Leda

? Delta

? Firefly

? Serpens

? Carina

? Andromeda

? Blazar

? Aquila

? Odysseus

? Zeta 

? Triton

? Libra

?  Desdemona

? Bambaruush

? Bianca

? Trappist

? Dawn

? Shooting Star

? Ceres 

? Bootes

? Lister

? Aster

? Yuva

? Swatt

? Juglar

? Watson

Space Names For Male Cats With Meanings

Cat names are as important as naming a baby because that is what they would grow used to being called. Therefore, we suggest you look at the list below and stick to the best space name you could find for your cat that would suit you and your pet. 

SolLatin for “sun”
NovaRepresents a star that suddenly increases in brightness
CassiopeiaNamed after a prominent constellation
SiriusAfter the brightest star in the night sky
CelestiaDerived from the word “celestial”
DracoNamed after a constellation resembling a dragon
GeminiAfter the zodiac constellation representing twins
PerseusNamed after a mythological hero
TitanAfter the Saturnian moon and powerful figures in myth
NebulaInspired by interstellar clouds of gas and dust
VegaA star in the constellation Lyra
CosmoDerived from “cosmos,” meaning universe

? Gus

? Mimi

? Callie

? Eve

? Winston

? Mimsy

? Sombrero

? Lenith 

? Coma

? Berenices

? Dagon

? Caelum

? Borealis

? Galaxy

? Hubble

? Hades

? Belinda

? Halla

? Sazum

? Titan

? Zeta

? Eclipse

? Lyra

? Serenity

? Rover

? Anser

? Tadmor

? Proteus

? Aries

? Persephone

? Cygnus

? Juno

? Orion

?  Equinox 

? Pandora

? Ceres 

? Crescent

? Hermes

? Anubis

? Chura

? Kennedy

? Octans

? Cosmos

? Dreamy

? Castor

? Oberon

? Proxima

? Achilles

? Quark

? Venus

? Fornacis

? Circinus

? Canes Venatici

? Cluster 

? Gliese

? Deimos

? Phoenix

? Phobos

? Magor

? Kerberos

? Sputnik

? Curiosity

? Cygnus

? Merritt

? Carpo

? Voyager

? Callisto

? Eridanus

? Selene

? Apollo

? Umbra

? Herse

? Cassiopeia 

? Thalassa

? Finlay

? Venus

? Dimidium

? Ganymede

? Columba

? Telescopium

? Shuttle

? Lida

? Gravity 

? Charon

? Phoebe

? Corvus 

? Luna

? Tethys

? Mercury

? Camelopardalis

? Pictor

? Hermia

? Pluto

? Estrella

? Centauri

? Adrastea

? Equuleus

? Delphinus

? Hoag

? Adonis

? Fenrir

? Crater

? Vela

? Antlia

? Draco

? Cetus

? Atlas 

? Nix

? Enceladus

? Odyssey

? Andromeda

? Kerberos

? Ursa

? Prospero

? Magnetar

? Himalia

? Axiom

? Aster

? Apus

? Calliope

? Taphao

? Flare

? Hadar

? Nebula

? Kraz

? Scutum

? Pirx

? Lacerta

? Midas

? Freya

? Perseus

? Stella

? Triton

Funny Space Names For Cats

Sometimes choosing a funny name for your dear pet can be hilarious and lift your mood. It would form the unique piece of a character for your cat in your neighborhood. We are here to provide you with a list of the funny names you might want to choose.

  • Sirius
  • Venus
  • Artemis
  • Atlas
  • Phoenix
  • Draco
  • Perseus
  • Oberon
  • Calypso
  • Rigel
  • Bellatrix
  • Zephyr
  • Solstice
  • Galileo
  • Quasar
  • Ceres
  • Selene
  • Helios
  • Pandora
  • Castor
  • Lyra
  • Titan
  • Vega
  • Arcturus
  • Polaris
  • Cygnus
  • Capella
  • Taurus

? Hypatia

? Uranus

? Quasar

? Hercules

? Aegir

? Cepheus

? Asteroid

? Draco

? Arche

? Carina

? Cepheus

? Chamaeleon

? Valkyrie

? Auriga

? Cluster

?  Luna 

? Skyline

? Artemis

? Ophelia

? Andromeda 

? Neutron

? Saturn

? Pluto

? Wayer

? Astra

? Cepheus

? Tenos

? Felix

? Oort

? Missy

? Cooper

? Piper

? Thomas

? Violet

? Maverick

? Margot

? Misty

? Jackson

? Frank

? Hobbes

? Furcules

? Ziggy

? Murphy

? Merlin

? Summer

? Frankie

? Bentley

? Maya

? Louie

? Theo

? Sasha

? Calvin

? Maisy

? Casper

? Charlotte

? The Doctor

? Henry

? Suzy

? Binx

? Finn

? Stella

? Alien

? Bella

? Penelope

? Pixie

? Thor

? Minnie

? Shadow

? Salem

? Cosmo

? Kevin

? Peanut

? Piper

? Cassie

? Jack

? Macy

? Lucy

? Kitty

? Goose

? Smokey

? Bailey

? Tom

? Bessie

? Pepper

? Millie

? Larhissa

? Nala

? Oscar

? Bruce

? Eleanor

? George

? Jewel

? Ollie

? Lola

Space-Related Cat Names With Meanings

Creativity lies within every person, and to come up with a creative, relaxed, and fascinating space name would mean a lot about the fact that you spent some of your precious time coming up with the perfect one for your cat. Here are some of the creative space names you might be looking for.

StellaLatin for “star”
OrionNamed after a prominent constellation
AtlasInspired by the mythological titan who held up the sky
AuroraNamed after the beautiful natural light display
AstridDerived from the word “astronomy”
LyraNamed after a constellation resembling a lyre
GalaxyReferring to a system of stars, gas, and dust
SolsticeInspired by the astronomical event
ZephyrNamed after the gentle wind that carries the west wind
OrionNamed after a prominent constellation
ZenithThe point in the sky directly above
CelesteMeaning “heavenly” or “divine”
AuroraNamed after the beautiful natural light display
DracoNamed after a constellation resembling a dragon

? Dorado

? Loge

? Aquila

? Coma Berenices

? Cetus

? Cupid

? Awasis

? Heze

? Rigel

? Halle

? Calypso

? Camilla

? Indus

? Hadar

? Antlia

? Stardust

? Sagitta

? Cressida

? Robonaut

? Daphne

? Bootes

? Surt

? Perseus

? Alcor

? Greip

? Harriot

? Perdita

? Merlin

? Ambrosia

? Falcon 

? Ursa Major

? Rosetta

? Lupus

? Quasar

? Norma

? Himiko

? martian

? Boomer

? Canis Minor

? Valentina

? Félicette

? Teberda

? Corvus

? Lete

? Danica

? Pollux

? Titan

? Comet

? Hercules

? Bootes

? Aegir

? Sculptor

? Cosmo

? Tucana

? Halimede

? Corona Borealis

? Zenith

? Sally

? Titus

Space Names For Cats Generator

Space Names For Cats Generator

Introducing the Cosmic CatNamer: Explore Otherworldly Space Names for Your Feline Companion!

Explore More Cat Names…?


What are space names for cats?

Space names for cats are names inspired by celestial bodies, astronomical phenomena, or space-related concepts. They can be a fun and unique way to give your cat a special name.

Are there any famous cats with space-inspired names?

Yes, there are a few famous cats with space-inspired names. For example, “Felix” was the name of the cat that accompanied British astronaut Tim Peake during his mission on the International Space Station in 2015.

Are there any gender-specific space names for cats?

Space names can be suitable for both male and female cats. While some names may have a traditional association with a specific gender, they are not strictly limited to it. Feel free to choose a space name that resonates with you and your cat, regardless of gender.

Are there any resources or websites that can help me find space names for my cat?

Yes, there are several online resources and websites that can provide inspiration for space names. Websites like NASA’s official site, astronomy blogs, or even space-related forums can be great places to discover unique and fitting names for your cat.

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