A very warm welcome to the ever-so-fascinating world of Irish Cat Names!
Here we are going to embark on a journey to find a plethora of amazing names for your purrfect feline companions.
A journey wherein charm, folklore, and tradition converge and lead to a beautiful naming experience for your furry angels!
As we embrace the rich and sound Celtic heritage, we will stumble upon names that are not only enchanting and mesmerizing but also carry an essence of the glorious Irish landscapes and their historical significance.✨
I’m happy to lead this wonderful journey for my fellow readers, cat enthusiasts, and lovers.❤️
Let’s dive right into some enthralling Irish Cat Names with every letter of the English alphabet.
Irish Cat Names Starting With A, B, C, D, and E
Ranging from names that are inspired by the legendary Celtic deities to names that are deeply rooted in Gaelic culture, here is a treasure trove of names awaiting you to have your eyes upon them!
Imagine a name that embodies the mythical tales of Irish folklore or a name that echoes the lush green hills of the Isle of the Emeralds.
Here you’ll find it all.
Let me take you on this journey to figure out the best possible name for your furry friend.
Here are some carefully curated Irish Cat Names Starting With A, B, C, D, and E.
Traditional Irish Cat Names:
Traditional Irish Cat Names | Description |
Cormac | It is a male baby’s name that means “Charioteer.” |
Brit | It is a masculine baby’s name that means “Spotted.” |
Cluny | It is another male baby’s name having a Gaelic origin as well, and it means “one from the meadows.” |
Enda | – It is a female baby’s name that means “A Bird.” |
Dermot | It is a male baby’s name that means “Someone who’s freed from all forms of envy.” |
Brit is also a colloquial term used to refer to someone from Great Britain, often used informally in conversation.
- Ailis
- Beltany
- Behan
- Beag (b’yag)
- Cahan
- Barra
- Coinneach (con-yach)
- Art
- Conan
- Decla
- Alastar (ah-lah-star)
- Binne
- Carrick
- Erin
- Ailbe (ale-by)
- Cabbage
- Doyle
- Clancy
- Brady
- Berrach (bar-akh)
- Brody
- Aoibhinn (ee-van or ay-veen)
- Arwan
- Bray
- Casey
- Arlen
- Cernunnos
- Eochaid (oh-kad)
- Conor
- Bevin (bay-vin)
- Dublin
- Darragh (darra)
- Blair
- Emerald
- Erlina
- Amon (ay-mon)
- Declan
- Doreen
- Eithne (ith-nee)
- Eveleen (ave-leen)
- Elva
- Darcie
- Eabha (ey-va)
- Daithi (da-hee)
- Adair
- Augustine
- Beatha (beh-tha)
- Berkeley
Related- 650+ Playful And Captivating Fluffy Cat Names
Mythical and Mystical Irish Cat Names:
Mystical Irish Cat Names | Description |
Brogan | It is a gender-neutral name that means “A badger or a small shoe.” |
Eamon (ee-mon or ay-mon) | It is a masculine baby’s name that means “A wealthy protector.” |
Báirbre (BAR-bruh) | It is a female baby’s name having Greek origins as well, and it means ” a stranger.” |
Devlin | It is a masculine name having Gaelic roots as well, and it means “Courageous; Fierce; Unlucky.” |
Cian (kee-an) | It is a baby boy’s name that means “An Ancient or an enduring one.” |
Brogan has been my steadfast companion, exuding loyalty and warmth. This Irish-inspired name perfectly encapsulates the strength and camaraderie we share, creating cherished memories filled with joy and love.
- Dagda (dag-duh)
- Carlin
- Aisling (ash-ling)
- Breasal (bree-sal)
- Aindrea
- Bellamy
- Donal (Dho-nal)
- Bainbridge
- Cunningham
- Connolly
- Dahy (day-hee)
- Cory
- Ahern
- Conway
- Dacey
- Alpin
- Cashel
- Bran (brawn)
- Derby
- Augusteen
- Breena
- Badb (bibe)
- Brina
- Collin
- Aoife (ee-fuh)
- Culley
- Comhghall (KOH-gahn or CO-en)
- Aileen
- Ceallach (kal-ukh)
- Digby
- Daireann (dar-awn)
- Blathnaid (blaw-nid)
- Aiden
- Duana
- Emily
- Bard
- Aifric (eye-fric)
Modern and Trendy Irish Cat Names:
Trendy Irish Cat Names | Description |
Blathmac (blaw-vak) | It is a baby boy’s name having Celtic roots as well, and it means “The future king of the people; son of flowers.” |
Etain | It is a female baby’s name having Gaelic roots as well, and it means “Utter Jealousy.” |
Aaron | It is a masculine baby’s name that means “A mountain that is strong, exalted, and high.” This name has a Hebrew origin as well. |
Clover | It is a unisex name having a British origin as well, and it means “Meadow; Flower.” |
Banning | It is a baby boy’s name that means “a small and fair little boy.” |
Blathmac, an Irish name, means ‘Flower Son.’ In medieval times, Blathmac mac Cenn Fáeladh was a poet known for his colorful verses and nature-inspired creations.
- Bogart
- Desmond
- Caolán (keelin)
- Bidu
- Bushmill
- Delaney
- Ashlynn
- Brian
- Auliffe (ao-lahf)
- Dallas
- Dow
- Bernadette
- Branna
- Eileen
- Blair
- Breck
- Dillon
- Brazil
- Darcy
- Ennis
- Bryg (bree)
- Calhoun
- Aed (ayd)
- Emmet
- Carney
- Donnacha (done-acka)
- Channing
- Ardal (ahr-dawl)
- Blaine
- Bailey
- Evelyn
- Duff
- Davan
- Breck
- Criofan (KREE-fan)
- Elatha (ahl-a-hah)
- Eirnin (air-nin)
- Carroll
- Blanche
- Brayden
Related- 810+ Exotic Cat Names
Enchanting Irish Cat Names Beginning with A
Áine (awn-ya) | Alannah |
Aodhan (eh-dawn or ay-dawn) | Aengus |
Alma | Arlise |
Asthore | Adamnan |
Adina | Alan |
Ailin (ay-LEEN) | Aideen (ay-deen) |
Aibreann (ab-rawn) | Amargein (aw-veer-een) |
Aralt | Annabella |
Beguiling Irish Cat Names Starting with B
Benen | Blaine |
Brandon | Beacon (be-kawn or ba-kawn) |
Bearach (ba-rak) | Boann |
Brigid (bri-guhd) | Bronagh (brona) |
Banba | Belenus (bel-en-us) |
Blarney | Bairre (baw-re) |
Charming Irish Cat Names for the Letter C
Cathal (ka-hal) | Callaghan |
Callum (kal-um) | Carson |
Carey | Carlow |
Callen | Cillian (kill-ee-an) |
Coddle | Craig |
Curran | Ciaran (kee-ran) |
Distinguished Irish Cat Names from D
Diarmuid (deer-mid) | Deirdre (deer-dra) |
Dempsey | Daimhin (daw-veen) |
Dinsmore | Dalaigh (dawl-ee) |
Dooley | Devin |
Diamine | Dearbhla (der-vla) |
Devnet (downet) | Danu |
Elegant Irish Cat Names Kicking Off with E
Eistir (ayst-er) | Eachna (ahk-na) |
Eoghan (oh-win) | Ealga (ale-ga) |
Edana | Erc |
Enat (ey-nit) | Éadaoin (eh-deen) |
Euston | Earnan |
Eimile | Eimear (ee-mur) |
Related- 760+ Best Arabic Cat Names
Irish Cat Names Starting With F, G, H, I, J, and K
You’ll stumble upon names that exude strength and valor and names that are perfect for adventurous and thrill-seeking cats.
I am a huge fan of these articles myself, and keeping in mind the intensive research and thoroughly detailed descriptions that go behind these articles, I always count on these when I need inspiration for a name.♥️
Here are some sick Irish Cat Names Starting With F, G, H, I, J, and K.
Unique Irish Cat Names for Your Furry Friend:
Unique Irish Cat Names | Description |
Ivo | It is a male baby’s name having, in addition to Irish origin, a German origin as well, and it means “an archer; yew wood.” |
Keallach (kall-ach) | It is a baby girl’s name that means “Little Kelly.” |
Gemma | It is a feminine name having Gaelic roots as well, and it means ” a precious stone.” This name also has Latin and Italian origins. |
Ferdia | It is a male baby’s name that means “Man of God; The Legend of Fhirdhia.” |
Fergal | It is a male baby’s name that means “Courageous or brave.” |
“Ivo” is a unique name with roots in various cultures, meaning “archer” in Old German and “yew wood” in Old English. Its versatility adds charm to any personality.
- Kyna (key-na)
- Gormlaith (gorm-lee)
- Garvey
- Gaibhne
- Genty
- Guy
- Kendrick
- Faolan (Fay-lawn)
- Finnbar
- Kavanaugh
- Keir
- Fiona
- Gulliver
- Fagin (fay-gin)
- Fallon
- Fianna
- Keela
- Kayleigh
- Fogarty
- Fitzgerald
- Finnegan
- Imogen (imma-jen)
- Hurley
- Garrett
- Ireland
- Fiadh (fee-a)
- Ide (ee-da)
- Keenan
- Karan
- Fergus
- Kane (key-in)
- Gordon
- Kennedy (ki-ne-dee)
- Kady
- Finn
- Kennocha (ken-oh-kuh)
- Gilroy
- Guthrie
- Kimball
- Guinness
- Galway
- Kinnat
- Foley
- Fidelma
Playful and Whimsical Irish Cat Names
Whimsical Irish Cat Names | Description |
Geiléis (gyel-aysh) | It is a gender-neutral name having Celtic roots as well, and it means “A Bright swan.” |
Hugh | It is a male baby’s name of British origin as well, and it means “Mind; Intellect; Soul.” |
Keenan | It is a male baby’s name that means “possession; ancient.” |
Kennedy | It is a gender-neutral name having Gaelic origin as well, and it means “Someone with a helmet-shaped head.” |
Galvin | It is a male baby’s name that means ” a sparrow bird.” |
Galvin has been an extraordinary journey, embodying strength, resilience, and warmth. From shared laughter to overcoming challenges, the name Galvin resonates with unforgettable moments and lasting connections.
- Gorman
- Glendon
- Flann
- Kermit
- Grady
- Hilde
- Hartigan
- Gallagher
- Farrell
- Haley
- Finola (finn-ula)
- Fursey
- Glynis
- Isibéal (ish-a-behl)
- Ferelith
- Hobart
- Kelvin
- Fianait (fyan-it or fee-nat)
- Gus
- Gweneth
- Frederick
- Harmon
- Jarlath (jar-lath)
- Keavy
- Iona
- Fania
- Iollan (ul-an)
- Hogan
- Harkin
- Kiana
Famous Irish Cat Names in History
Famous Irish Cat Names | Description |
Kenyon | It is a gender-neutral name that means “White-haired.” |
Kerry | It is a gender-neutral name that means “Black-haired.” |
Gael | It is a gender-neutral name for a Gaelic person. |
Kiley | It is a gender-neutral name that means “a beautiful or graceful individual.” |
Iarom (ear-um) | It is a baby boy’s name of Gaelic origin, and it means “A Sacred name.” |
Kenyon” originates from Old English, meaning “royal town.” It gained popularity as a surname and evolved into a modern first name. It exudes regal charm and history.
- Kiara
- Kirby
- Killian
- Ferris
- Kelly
- Felix
- Keefe (kiy-f)
- Hoyt
- Fey
- Flynn
- Helen
- Grainne (graw-ni-eh)
- Jameson
- Hagan
- Kennard
- Keegan
- Gwendolyn
- Fintan
- Fiachra (FEE-uh-khruh)
- Gaeth
- Fachtna
- Irv
- Forbes
- Kynan
- Kellen
Irish Cat Names Starting With L, M, N, and O
There are going to be names that embody beauty and grace and reflect the charm and glamour possessed by the furry little angels!✨
I am personally fond of names of this type, as I feel my cats are the most majestic creatures out there.
There are going to be choices, both for aggressive and active felines and sweet, charming, and poise-worthy cats.
Let’s dive further into the realm of Irish cat names and figure out some amazing names starting with L, M, N, and O.
Nature-Inspired Irish Cat Names
Nature Irish Cat Names | Description |
Lawler | It is a baby boy’s name having Gaelic roots as well, and it means “Someone who mutters.” |
Maeve (may-veh) | It is a female baby’s name that means “the one who rules; intoxicating; great joy.” |
Merritt | It is a baby boy’s name of British origin as well, and it means “the boundary gate.” |
Lonan (lyo-nawn) | It is a baby boy’s name that means “a blackbird.” |
Lennan (lan-awn) | It is a baby boy’s name that means “lover; sweetheart.” |
Oisin (o-sheen) | It is a baby boy’s name that means “a small deer.” |
Lennon | It is a very popular female baby’s name that means “a cloak; lover; blackbird.” |
Llyr | It is a baby boy’s name that means “The Celtic God of the seas and the underworld.” |
Odhran (o-ran) | It is a baby boy’s name that has, in addition to an Irish origin, a Celtic origin as well, and it means “Dark-haired; Pale-green.” |
Meara (meer-a) | It is a female baby’s name that means “jovial or jolly.” |
The name ‘Lawler’ has Irish roots, meaning ‘loud’ or ‘boisterous.’ It also belongs to a family of strong-willed individuals with a rich history.
- Murchadh (MUR-kha or MOOR-uh-ka)
- Laoise (lee-sha)
- Maguire
- Liam
- Oran (ohr-an)
- Madigan
- Ornóra
- Nollaig (null-ig)
- Meallan (mahl-an)
- Oscar
- Morgan
- Manus (ma-nuhs)
- Myrna
- Nuala (noo-lah)
- Miach (mee-ach)
- Mackinnley
- Morrigan (mohr-ee-gan)
- Mab
- Niall (nye-al or Niel)
- Neave (neev)
- Nainsi (nan-see)
- Labras
- Moya
- Murphy
- Maire (my-ra)
- Morrisey
- Liadan (lyah-dan)
- Laegaire (lee-ree)
- Meryl (mur-el)
- Oonagh (Una)
- Mackenzie
- Mairead (mi-rade)
- Lynch
- Limerick
- Niamh (neev or nee-iv)
- Oatcake
- Muirne (meer-ne)
- Labhaoise (lau-ee-shuh)
- Maccoy
- Lunn
Celebrating Heritage with Irish Cat Names
Heritage Irish Cat Names | Description |
Mona | It is a baby girl’s name an Italian origin as well, and it means “aristocratic or noble.” |
Lee | It is a predominantly masculine baby’s name that means “meadow, a clearing in the woods.” |
Midir (my-tir) | It is a baby boy’s name has a Celtic origin as well, and it means “The Celtic God of lakes and rivers.” |
Néit | It is a baby boy’s name has a Celtic origin as well, and it means “The Celtic God of War.” |
Murtagh | It is a baby boy’s name that has a Scottish variation as well by the name of Murdoch, and it means “mariner, sea warrior.” |
- Ornice
- Macarthur
- Orla
- Lugh (loo)
- Maon (mayn)
- Mahon
- Naoise (nee-sha)
- Mccoy
- Mayo
- Larkin
- Nora
- Maitilde
- Muireann (mweer-in)
- Makenna
- Lorcan
- Neala
- Maolisa (mail-issa)
- Labraid
- Mannix
- Lucky
- Nevin
- Odhran (orin)
- Malachi (mala-ki)
- Lucy
- Liam
- Macha
- Lochlan (lok-lun)
- Nessa
- Michael (me-haul)
- Muiriol (meer-ol)
Irish Cat Names Starting With P, Q, R, S, and T
If you genuinely feel that your cat possesses a queen-like attitude, and is the most royal creature you’ve ever come across, figuring out a name that embodies regality, strong-willed character, and leadership, is surely something you should opt for.
Understanding the true character of your beloved feline, and exploring the various facets of your playful and ambitious nature, is instrumental when trying to come up with the best possible name.♥️
This is something I’ve followed all this while, and it has helped me tremendously.
Here are some carefully handpicked Irish Cat Names Starting With P, Q, R, S, and T.
Musical and Melodic Irish Cat Names
Melodic Irish Cat Names | Description |
Raymond | It is a male baby’s name of German origin as well, and it means “a wise protector; famous protector; a counselor.” |
Tiarnach (teer-nahk) | It is a gender-neutral name that means “Superior; Descendant of Lord.” |
Patrick | It is a baby boy’s name of British origin as well, and it means “noble; patrician.” |
Tessie | It is a female baby’s name of German origin as well, and it means “caretaker of the gardens, late summer season.” |
Seamus | It is a masculine name that means “a supplanter.” |
Quill | It is a gender-neutral name that means “To scribe with a quill pen.” |
Riona (ree-ona) | It is primarily a female baby’s name that means “Queen.” |
Sadhbh (sive, sigh-v) | It is a baby girl’s name that means “Sweet; Goodness.” |
Did you know that the name ‘Raymond’ has Germanic origins, meaning ‘wise protector’? It’s a timeless name with a rich history and a touch of wisdom!
- Seanán (shaw-nawn)
- Renny
- Tipper
- Rylee
- Radha
- Trevor
- Searc (shark)
- Seosaimhthín – (shoh-sa-veen)
- Riley
- Sinéad (shee-naid)
- Práta (prawh-tah)
- Tara
- Siobhán (shiv-on)
- Sláine (slaw-nuh)
- Saoirse (ser-sha)
- Peadar (pad-ar)
- Shay
- Riordan (reer-don)
- Steafán (stef-ahn)
- Rylie
- Rita
- Sybil (shuh-beh)
- Quigley
- Séafra (shee-a-fra)
- Struthers
- Toiréasa (toh-reh-suh)
- Tynan
- Tyran
- Quinlan
- Tallulah
- Treasach (trah-sak)
- Shannon
- Sabrina
- Raunak
- Turlough
- Ryan
- Quillon
- Rionnach (ree-in-ock)
- Sleibhin (sle-veen)
- Strahan
- Roc
- Taranis
- Paili (pahl-ee)
- Tremayne
- Rainbow
- Tarlach (tahr-lak)
- Tomas
- Patterson
- Redmond
- Steise (steh-shuh)
- Riddock
- Piran
- Sheridan
- Rafferty
- Tayto
- Tadhg (tige)
- Skelly
- Shauna
- Roisin (ro-sheen)
- Shevonne
- Robin
- Pusheen
Strong and Majestic Irish Cat Names
Majestic Irish Cat Names | Description |
Shannon | It is a gender-neutral name that means “old river; the possessor of wisdom and enlightenment.” |
Renny | It is a gender-neutral name that means “Little prosperous one; mighty.” |
Sarai (sar-eye) | It is a female baby’s name having Arabic and Hebrew origins as well, and it means “Princess.” |
Rónán (ROH-nawn) | It is a male baby’s name that means “the little seal.” |
Sive | It is a female baby’s name that means “Good.” |
Sullivan | It is a masculine baby’s name that means “hawk-eyed; little dark-eyed man.” |
Sloan | It is a masculine name that means “warrior, fighter.” |
- Pangur
- Sheena
- Rohan
- Scully
- Pegeen
- Rian (ree-an)
- Rowena
- Rowen (roe-an)
- Síle (shee-la)
- Roarke
- Shane
- Rory
- Phelan (fwail-awn)
- Quinn
- Shea
- Sorcha (sur-ka)
- Tully
- Troy
- Patricia
- Payton
- Scanlon
- Philomena
- Tierney (teer-nee)
- Regan
- Tyrone
- Phelim
- Ross
- Tormey
- Turlough (tur-la)
- Sean
- Somhairle
- Teagan
- Regina
- Shamrock
Irish Cat Names Starting With U, V, W, X, Y, and Z
As you embark on this journey, let the mythical Gods of Ireland guide you, and its picturesque landscapes be the reason you name your felines after the most beautiful names possible!✨
May the endearing bond between you and your little kitty grow stronger with each gentle purr and adorable meow!❤️
I hope this article will be a testament to every cat parent out there seeking inspiration for amazing Irish Cat Names for their purrfect little felines.
Last but not least, here are some Irish Cat Names Starting With U, V, W, X, Y, and Z.
Wholesome Irish Cat Names for Family Pets
Wholesome Irish Cat Names | Description |
Wanna | It is a female baby’s name having Hebrew and Spanish origins as well, and it means “God is gracious.” |
Yseult | It is a baby girl’s name that means “light-skinned; fair.” |
Ula | It is a baby girl’s name having a Scandinavian origin as well, which means “Gem of the seas, sacred red color, wealthy.” |
Zaira | It is a baby girl’s name having an Arabic origin as well, and it means “flower.” |
Uaine | It is a gender-neutral name that means “verdant; green-colored.” |
Ulla | It is a baby girl’s name that has Finnish origin as well, and it means “willpower; determination.” |
Yeats | It is a male baby’s name of Middle English origin, and it means “The Gates.” |
William | It is a baby boy’s name having both English and Irish origins, and it means “a strong warrior having an ardent willpower.” |
Zephan | It is a male baby’s name has a Hebrew origin as well, and it means “hidden by God himself.” |
Valentine | It is a gender-neutral name having a Latin origin as well, and it means “healthy and strong.” |
Ulick (oo-lick) | It is a male baby’s name having a Gaelic origin as well, and it means “Little William.” |
Winnifred | It is a baby girl’s name having additional Welsh and Old English origins, and it means “Holy; joyous; peaceful.” |
Wynne | It is a baby girl’s name that means “White; holy; blessed.” |
Whitney | It is a gender-neutral name having a British origin as well, and it means “a white island.” |
Verlin | It is a primarily male baby’s name that means “a farthing coin.” |
“Wanna,” a playful name, is a colloquial contraction of “want to.” Its casual charm and simplicity make it a fun and trendy choice for a pet’s name.
- Whiltierna
- Veren
- Ursula
- Wicklow
- Ultan
- Yvon
- Úna (oo-nuh)
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I am a passionate animal lover with a lifelong commitment to pet care. With over a decade of experience as a pet owner, I’ve nurtured a variety of furry and feathered friends, from cats and dogs to birds and reptiles. I possess a deep understanding of their unique needs, behavior, and health. My mission is to share my knowledge and insights to help fellow pet enthusiasts provide the best possible care for their beloved companions.