Do Cats Get Jealous? The Truth Behind It

Every living being has its personality traits, and just like humans and other animals, cats feel everything too. They also get jealous, angry, competitive, insecure, and aggressive.

Cats have hierarchical tendencies to get what they want and always ensure they get what they want. Jealous cats start craving attention and are more clingy than usual.

When cats get jealous, it can be adorable, but that doesn’t mean it is endearing all the time. Sometimes, it can be tiring, and there are ways to put an end to jealous behavior.

The Truth Behind Your Cat Getting Jealous 

Do Cats Get Jealous?

Jealousy in Cats: An Overview

When cats get jealous, they try to separate you and pull you away from the object of their jealousy.

Cats tend to get jealous when they know that your attention is divided between them and something else since cats require huge amounts of attention.

There are certain reasons why a cat could get jealous, and there are signs and symptoms that will help you identify if your cat is suffering from pangs of jealousy. 

Why Does A Cat Get Jealous? 

Cats can become jealous when they feel like they are being excluded from something or if they feel like their environment has changed quite a bit.

Various reasons can trigger the jealousy of a cat. They will become more jealous when you pay more attention to something else, like a new family member, a pet, or an object. A sudden change in their daily routine can also become one of the causes of jealousy. 

Signs and Symptoms of Jealousy In Cats:

  • Many signs, symptoms, and changes in cat behavior can help a cat parent know if their cat is feeling jealous or not. Some of the signs include
  • They start physically coming in between the object or living being they are jealous of and try to separate you.
  • They start hissing
  • They constantly growl
  • They mark their territory by urinating in random places.
  • They bite and scratch without an end.
  • They even try to block access to doorways and furniture and make aggressive eye contact with the owner and whatever they are jealous of. 

Different Types of Cat Jealousy

It is a lesser-known fact that there are different types of cat jealousy. Various cat specialists often describe jealousy as a different type of aggression.

Some of the common types include status-induced aggression, inter-cat aggression, territorial aggression, and so on.

All these types have different types of signs and symptoms, and each one of these types should be handled differently.  

Status-Induced Aggression

Status-induced aggression in cats stems from the unique social structure in your cat’s behavior because some consider themselves more dominant than other animals, even humans, while some consider themselves less dominant.

This can also be known as impulse control aggression. Some symptoms include blocking access to doorways, objects, furniture, etc., attracting unsolicited attention but scratching and biting once petted, and so on. 

Inter-Cat Aggression

Inter-cat aggression is normally hormone-related, and this type of aggression is commonly seen between two male cats. It can also be observed between cats of both genders, and it can be considered as one cat getting jealous of the other.

Controlling and cutting off this kind of aggression in the early stages is easy. Since it is related to hormones, neutering and spaying your cats in their early ages can curb this aggression well. 

Territorial Aggression

Just like every other animal, cats are also territorial. When they start feeling something is invading their territory or someone is taking their place, they start acting aggressively, and after a while, they start hissing and growling at the so-called intruder.

They will try to attack the intruder, and the “intruder” can be a new family member, a newborn baby, a new pet, or anything they haven’t seen before and feel will threaten their position in the family.

Sometimes, if one of the older cats goes away and comes back after a while, territorial aggression is exhibited by the cat. 

Stopping And Minimizing Jealous Behaviour In Cats:

  • If two cats are aggressive towards each other, it is better to separate them first and reintroduce them in a different environment with the use of reinforcement techniques. 
  • If your cat starts getting aggressive and starts acting out, always keep something in your hand to distract them.
  • Avoid situations and objects that make your cat jealous and aggressive as much as you can
  • Try to avoid giving your cat catnip at times.
  • Offer them treats to reinforce positive and gentle behaviors.
  • Try to determine the trigger, spend more time with your cat, give your cat its personal space, and teach your cat to accept the situation.
  • In the end, if nothing works out, consult a behavior specialist or a vet for more advice. 
Do Cats Get Jealous?

Methods to Stop Jealous Behaviour

Even though managing jealousy in a cat can be difficult, there are ways to eliminate the unwanted behavior and lessen them as time passes.

The steps include determining the trigger, spending more time with your cat, giving it its personal space, and teaching your cat to accept things the way they are and live with them. Once pet owner knows how to handle their jealous pets, they can do anything. 

Determining The Trigger Factor

The first thing to do is to find what is provoking your cat and the kind of behavior it exhibits. Once the trigger is analyzed and found, it is easy to address the issue.

If your cat behaving is erratically suddenly, you should carefully observe your surroundings and find out the changes.

You should determine if someone new has moved in if you adopted a new pet, if you have a new baby in the house, if you are spending time on something more than you used to, and if your cat’s favorite spots in the house have been disturbed. 

Spending More Time With The Cat

The best and easiest way to decrease jealousy in your cat is to spend more time with them than you used to. This extra bit of attention can help you curb bad behavior in the beginning, and there are many ways in which you can show your attention.

Start by buying a few toys that you can use to play with your furry friend, and try to seek out and pet your cat whenever you are free or arrive home after a long time. Offer your cat treats and cuddle with your cat, paying it your undivided attention for a while. 

Methods To Deal With A Jealous Cat:

  • If your cat is getting jealous all of a sudden and acting out but is normally friendly, it is better to move them to a different location.
  • Some cats get jealous when their owner start working on their laptops and avoid giving them attention.
  • At times like this, decoy laptops are found in the market that can help you work undisturbed while your cat focuses on the decoy laptop.
  • It is also important to protect yourself from an aggressive cat.
  • If your cat gets jealous and jumps on your lap, make sure it falls off or goes away on its own, and never pull or push it off. 
  • If your cat is blocking furniture and doorways, ignore what they are doing until they start losing interest.
  • If things are persistent and nothing changes, try giving your cats cat anxiety medication. 

Is There A Way To Get Your Cat From Being Jealous?

There are some methods to prevent jealousy in your cat. Try to create a foundation of security and find ways to take care of things your kitten likes.

Pet them often and appropriately, acknowledging the messages they send out with their body language, and it is also very important to respect their boundaries.

Start planning activities that involve your undivided attention and include physically and mentally enriching activities for you both to indulge in. 


There is no way a pet owner can anticipate how a jealous cat will behave. But once you find the root cause, it is easy to control the erratic behavior and put an end to the jealousy.

Every type of jealousy is different and has varying signs and symptoms; hence the treatment method also differs, but once followed properly, it can work wonders. 


Do cats get jealous of other cats of the same or different breeds?

Cats get jealous of other cats very easily, which is very common. Since every cat has its personality, it could lead to some cats becoming insecure, and this will easily pave the way to the display of jealousy. 

Will cats become jealous if their pet parent adopts a new dog, puppy, or adult?

Cats start showing signs of insecurity and aggression towards all species of animals, and they are specifically jealous of and threatened by dogs and puppies since they just take over the house they walk in. 

Can cats get jealous of toddlers and babies?

Just like dogs, babies also can captivate the attention of the household members, and cats hate the fact that their owner’s attention is split between them and something else.

They also sometimes hate the sounds babies make and the smells they give off. 

What are the signs that tell you your cat is jealous of something?

While some cats are more confident than others, some are not. Some start feeling insecure and start giving off signs and start showing different behaviors. Many signs help you identify if your cat is jealous or not. 

Does the breed of the cat influence how jealous they get?

How jealous a cat can get doesn’t depend on its breed. Insecurity and jealousy depend largely on personality.

Even though some breeds can be more high-strung than others, it doesn’t mean that all cats of that breed start lashing out. 

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